Giving birth to a surrogate baby was one of the most magical, humbling moments of my life (aside from giving birth to my own children, of course, haha)! It was such a sacred experience to witness someone become parents for the first time, especially after years of waiting.
The intended parents drove here when I was 37 weeks along. They booked an AirBNB to stay at until after the baby was born. We met up for dinner, and showed them around town (Saint George, Utah) with a hike in Snow Canyon State Park, and went to the dinosaur museum. It was so fun letting them meet my husband and children. We were all amazed at how quickly we felt like family. This was also the week where the parents were able to feel baby kick for the first time, and attend a prenatal appointment in person!

We also took maternity pictures together, and I am so happy with how they turned out! Tiffany Sangster Photography hit it out of the park!
At 38+3 weeks, I lost my mucus plug at 4am. There was some leaking, but I wasn’t quite sure if my water had broken or not, so I waited it out. I braided my hair, then walked around the house for a minute and got some water. A few minutes later I went back to bed and told Ryan that I might be in labor, but I was going to go back to sleep and see what happens. As soon as I sat down my water broke a little more. This time I knew for sure it was my water, so I said “never mind, it’s go time!”. The IPs got the phone call they had been waiting for for years! We then got everything ready for the babysitters and hospital. We checked into L&D and settled in the room around 6:30am. Contractions were inconsistent until a little after noon. We enjoyed our time chatting with the parents and just getting excited together. Luckily we all got some rest too, which was much needed. I tried pumping around 1ish and that got my contractions going steady. I was lucky enough to get a special exception for extra people in the room- Ryan, both parents, & the videographer were all able to attend. Everyone read the room really well; it was so peaceful!
I labored on the bed with the yoga ball, a little in the tub, then back on the bed. I alternated between leaning on the yoga ball & standing on all fours during contractions. When it came time to push, I let my midwife know. She was so great to just let me do my thing while she silently moved around & adjusted to where she needed to be. It only took 2-3 contractions of pushing. His head & body came out in 1 contraction, so he came out quick! My favorite part is that our midwife pulled the parents over & let mom catch her baby boy! 😍 Baby & mom were crying, which was an amazing sound to hear 💙
After a few minutes I laid down & held him until after I delivered the placenta. Then mom laid on the bed next to me for some skin to skin with her new baby. He was healthy and absolutely adorable. I had a very small tear (no stitches) & a small hemorrhage, but after an injection of Pitocin (& 2 near-fainting spells from blood loss 😅) I was feeling fine.
As far as postpartum goes, I healed quickly. Who knew postpartum would be so much easier when you don't have a baby to care for and you can actually sleep! I pumped for 6 months, and just weaned. It was hard, and I definitely struggle to be patient with my body as it slowly recovers and regains strength, but it was all very worth it. What an incredible experience this journey was. I can’t believe that chapter is over already, but I am so excited for the continued relationship with this new extension of family🥰
